Next Generation

Every prosperous family faces the ultimate test; “How do we prepare our children to find fulfilment in life, whilst equipping them with the skills to successfully preserve the family’s wealth?”

Bringing up children in the context of wealth is an enormous challenge. We advise mothers and fathers on the complex parenting challenges they face. We equally educate children to prepare themselves for the wealth they will inherit.

Financial Crisis

Major financial crises occur approximately once every eight years. Educating the next generation to be effective stewards of a family fortune is of paramount importance.

Oxford Place works with families to educate the next generation in terms of their investing mindset, improving their technical skills and supervising their overall management of the family’s financial capital.

2011-2013 Sovereign Debt Crisis > 2007-2010 Sub-Prime led Global Financial Crisis > 2001 Bursting of 'dot-com' Bubble > 1997-1998 Asian Financial Crisis > 1992-1993 Black Wednesday
  • 1992-1993
    Black Wednesday
  • 1997-1998
    Asian Financial Crisis
  • 2001
    Bursting of 'dot-com' Bubble
  • 2007-2010
    Sub-Prime led Global Financial Crisis
  • 2011-2013
    Sovereign Debt Crisis

Parental Concerns

We all know growing up is hard to do – for both children and their parents.

A number of common parental concerns are presented to us with alarming frequency, all of which must be managed to ensure a successful estate transition.

The speech bubbles below contain examples of the most common concerns we help parents address.

How do we educate our children to manage the fact that the world might see them as their ‘wealth’ before it sees them as a person?

How can we help our children see wealth as a source of freedom. When it so often seems like the shackles which bind them?

How can we prepare our children for the responsibility of the wealth they will inherit?

How can we empower our children when their environment and mindset are so different to our own?

How do I treat my children equally when their interest levels are not equal?

How do we successfully integrate our children’s husbands and wives into the family, when they are all such different characters?

How do I educate my children to learn outstanding investment skills?

What can we do to ensure our family values transition along with our family wealth?

How can we ensure that our children sensibly control and manage the wealth, rather than let it control them?

Is it possible to prepare our heirs to see the wealth as theirs to steward for future generations?

How do I assess which role each of my children will perform in the family’s future?

How can I have my children respect my judgement and wisdom in the same way people do in business?

How do I help my children prepare for the time when they are my age and there are so many more cousins than in their generation?

How can I tell whether my children are responsible enough to learn about my plans for the future?

Next Generation Checklist

Without realizing it, the majority of parents devote far more time to preparing the legal aspects of estate transition than preparing their heirs for the consequences of those documents; let alone consulting the heirs in sufficient detail to enable them to successfully manage the family’s wealth for future generations.

By working through the ten areas outlined in the checklist graphic, families are able to weigh the likelihood of a successful transition significantly in the family’s best interests.

  • Communication Skills

    Mastery of Communication is a learned skill. The objective is to create empowering conversations between parents and children, so they move through communication blocks and establish a shared purpose across generations.

  • Presence and Influence

    Does each heir clearly understand how to express their “Presence” in a variety of social and business arenas? Is each heir equipped with the self-awareness to embody the family’s chosen values and positively express influence within the communities in which they live?

  • Listen and Be Understood

    Has each heir learned the skill of authentically listening to the family’s patriarchs and matriarchs? Are the heirs therefore aware of the concerns or anxieties their parents might have in relation to the successful transfer of wealth to their generation?

  • Habitual Frames of Reference

    Have both children and parents identify specific patterns of habitual communication, which negatively impact relationships and cause disharmony? These “Habitual Frames of Reference”, once uncovered, can be replaced by empowering attitudes and mindsets, which provide a solid platform for a successful estate transition.

  • Family Wealth Mission

    A family is strengthened by having a shared goal for the family’s wealth and agreeing on a set of values, which all generations wish to exhibit and live by.

  • Family Roles

    Is there cross-generational agreement and support for the specific roles each heir is invited to play in the maintenance and growth of the family wealth?

  • “Follow your Bliss”

    How does the family allow for the natural growth of each individual in order to identify and pursue their passions? How is the next generation supported as their ideals, goals and ambitions change over time?

  • Conflicting Aspirations

    Have the parents establish whether a number of children might wish to take over the same role? If so, have both parents and children amicably resolved potential conflicts and established a solution and a program of preparation, which is objectively fair, measurable and agreed upon by all parties?

  • Handing Over The Baton

    The vast majority of transitions occur through the twin factors of old age and ill health. Families who create cross-generational buy-in for the timing and manner of the handover have a significantly higher chance of avoiding failure.

  • Financial Education

    Ensuring your heirs receive a solid education in strategic investment management and master a broad range of asset classes, is vital preparation for the next generation. When heirs understand how to assess investments critically, read balance sheets effectively and judge business ideas being pitched to them, they dramatically increase their ability to grow and preserve the family’s wealth.